Thursday, April 27, 2006

Flight 93 movie

There is a movie called Flight 93 coming out tomorrow and it is about 9/11. Do people want to see a movie on 9/11?
9月11日テロについてFlight 93と言う映画は明日映画館にある。皆さんー9月11日テロについて映画を見たい?

I don't think I want to see it. It would bring back too many memories for me.
見たくないと思う。 沢山遺事を思い出すと思う。

When Sep. 11 happened, I was in Shanghai on a business trip. I had just returned to my hotel from a business dinner and turned on CNN. By that time, the first plane had hit the world tower and CNN had just gone live with the report from NY. As I was watching, I saw the second plane hit. Then the reports of a crash in Washington DC came in. Then about United 93 crashing in Pennsylvania. I called back to San Francisco and told a friend to avoid the Golden Gate Bridge, figuring that could be a target. It was a very stressful night, and I couldn't sleep.
9月11日の時私は中国の上海に出張した。その日晩ご飯に行って、ホテルに帰って、CNNにテレビを点けた。前一番目の飛行機は世界貿易センターに墜落事故した。 CNNはニューヨークで実況放送していた。 見ながら二番目の墜落事故した。そしてワシントンだった。 その後ペンシルバニアのUnited 93の事だった。 私はサンフランシスコ の友達に電話をかけた。 「金門橋へ行くな」と言った。 ターゲットだと思った。 その夜あまり寝なかった。

The next day, I had to fly to Beijing. I was in a total daze - I could not believe what I had seen the night before. But being in China, I felt pretty safe.
次の日北京へ飛行機で行った。茫然した。 見た事を懐疑した。 でも中国にいたので、安全の気持ちだった。

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Humorous sign

This is a humorous sign that relates to a previous post I had here titled Caught in a second lie.

これは面白可笑しい掛け札だ。私を書いたCaught in a second lieと言日記に関連する。(ごめん、ちょっとエッチな事だ)「誰かブッシュさんに尺八をするか?だから弾劾できる」と書かれている。

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Why "peter-singlespeed"


Some people may wonder why I chose the address for this Blog? The Peter part shouldn't be too hard to figure out, as that is my name. But the singlespeed part is there because my personal website is

So why is my personal website called singlespeed? I created this site back in the late-90s, when I was very much in to riding and racing bicycles. At that time, I had started riding a single speed mountain bike, so decided to use that as the name for my web site. Singlespeed wasn't my first choice, but many of my other choices (like my family name) were not available as URLs.

This is not actually my only Blog. I have another that I am writing in from time to time related to my marketing consulting business at I post business problems and my solutions there from time to time.

I also had a set of Blogs related to my times in Asia. Last November, I had one just for my studies in Japan at And I had another from when I was studying in Japan in 2003 at And also one from when I was living in Korea and traveling all around Asia for work in 2000-2001 at As these were all related to specific travels, which are now completed, none of these Blogs are edited any more.

どうして「」のURLを撰んだ? Peter(ピーター)葉私の名前なので理解できたね。でもsinglespeed(シングルスピード)は? 私のホームページはhttp://www.singlespeed.orgだから。

どうして私のホームページはsinglespeedだ? 2000年の前にそのホームページを書いた。その時よく自転車に乗った。Singlespeedと言うタイプの自転車も持っていた。 色々なURLの名前を考えていたが、いい名前(例えば、私の名前)はなかった。Singlespeedの自転車は人気が出始めたので、その名前を選んだ。


そしてアジアの時ブログした。去年の10月と11月に日本に勉強していたhttp://peter-japan2005.blogspot.comを書いていた。そして2003年にもだ。2000年と2001年に韓国に住んでいたり、アジア中に旅行したり、した時も。 で書いていた。今そのブログを書いていない。


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Blogs I Read - Tokyo Times

Another Blog that I track with Bloglines is one called Tokyo Times. It is written by Lee Chapman, who is from England and has been living in Tokyo since 1998. He tracks interesting things that he sees in Japan, from daily observations to weird English usages in products and beyond. He seems to have a similar sense of humor to I, so this log has clicked with me from the first time I read it. He also sometimes covers a somewhat more adult-type content.

His site has been one of the nominees for the Bloggies award for best Blog in Asia, but has been beaten by the Tokyo Girl Blog.

他のよく読むブログはTokyo Times(東京タイムズ)だ。 リー・チャップマンさんによって読まれている。チャップマンさんはイギリス人で1998年に東京に引っ越した。面白い見た物について書く。例えば日本におかしい英語だ。 チャップマンさんと私はユーモアのセンスがあるので、はじめ読んだからいいブログと思った。時々成人向けの日記を書くなの。

そのブログはBloggiesの一番いいアジアのブログ賞ノミネートされた、でもTokyo Girlのブログに負けた。


Friday, April 07, 2006

Caught in a second lie

Looks like Bush has been caught in a second lie. He has repeatedly said that he condones leaks of secrets, yet now he will not deny that either he or Vice President Cheney may have been the ones who leaked the data.

This follows the lie he was caught in related to domestic spying, where he once said that it was something they didn't do, and then it comes out that he had secretly authorized spying. Seems he lied so he could hide the program, so it would be more effective.

But how is this all that different than Bill Clinton lying about an affair with an intern?

And if Bush has lied about these things, what else has he also lied about?

ブッシュ大統領は二つ目うそがばれたそうだ。 何回も「秘密がもれる事はだめだ」と言った 、でも今ブッシュ大統領はブッシュ大統領とチェイニー副大統領が秘密がもれなかったと言わない。




Sunday, April 02, 2006

Getting fat

I feel like I am getting fat. There has been so much rain this past month, that I have not been able to exercise much.  

I noticed it a few days ago, when I was trying on new pants. I normally fit a size 34 or 35 waist, so 36 is a bit loose. But last week, size 36 was fitting well.

It will be nice when the rain stops, as I need to exercise more.