Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Elephant Seal

I had to do a presentation for my Japanese class, and I decided to do it on Elephant Seals at Ano Nuevo State Park
プレゼンテーションさせた。Ano Nuevo州立公園のエレファント・シールの事にする。


昨日Ano Nuevo州立公園へ行きました。エレファント・シールを見るために、そこで2,3マイル・ハイキングしました。多いエレファント・シールいました。
Yesterday, I went to Ano Nuevo State Park. So we could see elephant seals, we went for a short hike. There were many elephant seals there.

Because they are very large, and the males have a nose that is long, they are called Elephant Seals.

Males (bulls) reaching five meters in length, and average 4000 lbs. The females are about 3 meters (10 feet) long and 650 kg (1400 lbs).

They are big, aren’t they.

Despite their ungainly appearance, they can move faster on land than a human being can run. Because it can be dangerous, we were required to go on the hike with a park ranger.

Beginning in the 18th century, elephant seals were hunted for their blubber oil. About 100 years ago, there were less than 1000 seals left alive. They were only on a remote island off of Mexico.

But now they are a protected species, and numbers have recovered to over 100,000

毎冬繁殖のためにAno Nuevoに来ます。2,3ヶ月寝たり、繁殖したり、します。牡はけんかもします。勝者は雌と一緒にいて、繁殖できます。
Every winter, some come to Ano Nuevo to breed. For 2 or 3 months, they sleep and breed. The males also fight. The male that wins the fight gets to breed.

Because this guy is alone, he was likely not the winner of his battles. So he will probably not get to breed.

乳離れした子どもです。1ヶ月にお母さんの牛乳を飲みます。その後、お母さんは海に行きます。でも 子どもはもう2ヶ月ビーチにいます。そのとき食べません。その後子ども も海に行きます。
This is a weaned baby seal. For 1 month, he was fed milk by his mother. But after that, his mother returns to the sea. But the baby stays on the beach. He doesn’t eat for 2 months. After that, the child also goes to sea.

七つ繁殖させるのに好適な場所があります。普通は島の上です。例えばサンフランシスコの近くにあるFarallon Islandsやサンタ・バーバラの近くにあるChannel Islandsです。本土にはAno NuevoとPoint Reyesで見えます。
There are seven places where elephant seals breed. Usually they are on islands, including the Farallon Islands off of San Francisco and Channel Islands off of Santa Barbara. On the mainland, you can see them at Ano Nuevo State Park and Point Reyes National Seashore.

烏賊や蛸や魚を食べます。でもAno Nuevoにいるとき、ぜんぜん食べません。
The Northern Elephant Seal feeds on squid, octopus, fish, etc. But when they are at Ano Nuevo, they don’t eat anything.

Elephant seals eats when underwater at depths of more than 650 feet. They can dive as deep as 5000 feet.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Japanese Language Opportunities

Japanese Language Schools/日本語の学校: Along with classes at colleges and universities, there are a few local Japanese language programs:

  • Soko GakuenThe school I go to in San Francisco is called Soko Gakuen. Inexpensive and decent, and as with may programs, pretty good for getting up to intermediate level (I haven't found any school that is good for going beyond intermediate level - guess you just need to live in Japan to do this).
  • Japan Society of Northern CaliforniaThe Japan Society also has classes in San Francisco, San Jose, and Palo Alto, but I have never taken any there.

Japanese English Conversation Groups/日本人とアメリカ人のミーティング:Classes only take you so far - you need to practice. So I have been on the lookout for opportunities to practice and to interact with Japanese people. Here are a few I know of (all are free, except you pay for your food or drink):
  • Japanee Exchange Society (formerly Japanese English Salon)Group meets on evenings of the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in San Mateo, and the evenings of the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Thursdays in Cupertino. Basically, a bunch of Japanese and Americans get together at the set time in a coffee shop/bakery to chat about anything.
    月に2回(第1と第3の木曜日の晩)CupertinoのLe Boulangerというコーヒー店、そして2回(第2と第4の水曜日の晩)San MateoのBoudin Sourdough Bakery and Cafeというコーヒー店で集まりがあります。
    Note - Cupertino meeting may end as of January 2011. San Mateo is still going on.
  • SF JapaneseSimilar to Japanese English Salon, but in San Francisco. Meets on the evening of the 1st Tuesday of each month at the Ferry Building (at the tables near the back of the building outside of a Japanese Deli called Delica rt1 and Peet's Coffee).
    月に1回(第2火曜日の晩)サンフランシスコのFerry Building(Delica rt1やPeetsの近くにあるテーブル)で集まりがあります。
    Mixi: http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=3572772
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=18053408217
    Note - SF Japanese may take a break during first half of 2011
  • Japanese English ToastmastersToastmasters are a group aimed at helping people learn to speak in public. There are also specialty toastmasters groups, including those aimed at helping people with Japanese and English. There is a chapter in San Francisco (meets 2nd and 4th Fridays from 6:30 to 8:30, with folks going out for drinks afterward) and in Silicon Valley (meets on 1st and 3rd Thursdays 7:00 to 9:00 PM).
  • East Bay Japanese Meetup GroupThis group has various meetings at various locations (in both East Bay and San Francisco) - not on a set date or time. Based around the meetup.com system, which uses the web site and email list to announce future events.
  • The English/Japanese Language Exchange of S.F.This is a new group as of Spring 2010. Stated focus is on helping people learn Japanese.
  • San Francisco Japanese Meetup GroupThis group has various meetings at various locations in San Francisco - not on a set date or time. Based around the meetup.com system, which uses the web site and email list to announce future events. A new person has taken over as manager, and asks for "donations" to attend events.
  • WaiWai / わいわいI have heard of a group called Waiwai that meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month and has pretty strict language requirements (something about only Japanese spoken until 8:30). Also supposed to be a social meeting at an Irish-Indian bar in North Beach on the 4th Saturday (Kennedy's Irish Pub and Curry House, 1040 Columbus Avenue). If you can read Japanese, the Japanese language version of the link provides a lot more information than the English one.
    Note - the comment below in Japanese is from the organizer, who says they are meeting at a downtown mall food court, but this may change, so it is best to check the web site for meeting time and place.
    There also appears to be a Wai Wai! Mama group, which I assume is for mothers?
  • JoshikaiThis group calls itself "The Japan-Connected Women's Group". As such, it is a women's only group, so I have not been to any meetings to see what they do or what they are like.
  • Japanese Discussion GroupThere is also a group that gets together twice a month on Saturdays to discuss various cultural topics in order to try to bridge cultural differences. Meets on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 3:00 at either a member's house or in the Golden Gate Park. Also sometimes has meetings on Thursdays at 7:00pm at the Metreon Food Court.
    This group is may have gone away as of late 2010
  • Japanese Dinner GroupThere is (was?) also a group that gets together for dinner about once a month, but I can not find information on it on the web. I am on their email list, so get invites that way when they are sent out (but none have been sent for quite a while now). May not be an active group any more.

If you know of others, or changes to what I have here, please leave a comment with the information.
