Thursday, June 30, 2005

Motomi's Blog

A friend of mine, Motomi, has a Blog at She is Japanese, but lives in Australia. She normally writes in Japanese and English. It is interesting.



Wednesday, June 29, 2005

This post is really only for those who understand Japanese, as I am referring people to my account on a Japanese language networking site called Mixi. Sorry.

Mixi.jpを使う。 私はです。 もしMixiを使ったら、Mixiでコメントとかメッセージとかを書いて下さい。

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Google Ads

I have started running Google Ads on this page. Google has a program that allows me to make a little money (very little) by placing ads on the page, so I thought I would give it a try.

Click the following button if you would like to sign up to make service by running ads on a web page of yours:

What do you think? Are the ads obtrusive or annoying?

Google does have a lot of good programs. I talked about Google Maps in a previous post. I also use, which is a networking web site (though that program is a little buggy yet). And even Blogspot, where this is posted, is a Google company. Is Google taking over the world?


どうと思う? うざい?

Googleは沢山いいソフトがある。 ブログでGoogle Mapsと言った。 そしてOrkut.comをしている、でもあまりよくない。BlogspotもGoogleのです。 Googleは世界を征服する?

Going to Japan / 日本へ行く

I am going to Japan next week for a job interview. I will be in Tokyo from July 7 through the 10th.

If the interview goes well, I will give the details of the potential job.  The job is in Japan.

I don't know if I will have time to see people, but I hope I do.





Sunday, June 26, 2005

Google Maps

I think Google Maps is a great service. Both maps and satellite photos are there. I have wasted a lot of time just looking around at the satellite pictures of various areas.

This is a picture of my apartment building as taken from a satellite.

Here is a satellite image of an aircraft carrier docked in San Diego.

Here's the Imperial Palace in Tokyo.

What interesting things have you found?

Google Mapsはいいだろう。 地図とサテライトから写真がある。 サテライトから写真を見るのは沢山時間の無駄だった。





Friday, June 24, 2005


Mainichi Daily is a newspaper in Japan. One area of it is a web page called WaiWai, where they cover a side of Japan which is rarely talked about or seen. I find this stuff very interesting.

毎日新聞はWaiWaiと言う部分がある。 日本の珍しい事だ。 とても面白い。


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

New bicycle / 新しい自転車

I bought a new bicycle.

A few weeks back, someone stole my road bicycle from my garage. They cut the lock and stole that bicycle and another person's bicycle. That was disappointing.

But now I have a new bicycle! This bicycle is special in that it is made for traveling. It has this special method of splitting apart and comes with a custom made suitecase that fits it.

Now I am ready for some adventures!



2,3週間前に泥棒にロードの自転車を取られた。 錠を壊した。自転車2台を取った。がっかりさせた。

でも今新しい自転車がある。 旅行のための特別の自転車だ。 自転車のスーツケースに詰める事は簡単だ。


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Welcome / ようこそ

Hello and welcome to my Blog.

Why am I making a Blog. Well, I don't have a reason right now. When I was traveling a lot, I had a set of web journals (this was before Blogs were around) that I manually posted.

Blog software (like allow me to post easier and allow people to post comments, so this is definitely better than the manual posting system I used before.

If I start traveling again or otherwise do something interesting, I can use this location for my postings.

I will try to write in both English and Japanese.

始めまして。 ブログにようこそ。

如何して私はブログを作る? 今理由がない。 沢山旅行をした時、手動のウェブ日記を作った。ブログを発明した前だった。



英語と日本語でブログを書こう。 でも私の日本語がまだ上手じゃない。