Wednesday, October 24, 2007

new bridge

The weather was beautiful yesterday, so I took the day off of work and went kayaking. I launched from Crissy Field and made a loop around Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island, passing close to Alcatraz on the way back.
昨日いい天気だったので、仕事を休んで、カヤックに乗った。Crissy FieldからTreasure Islandの周りを漕いで、Alcatrazの近くに通った。

I saw the construction for the new section of the Bay Bridge. They are definitely making progress, but I suspect it will be a few more years before they are done.
Bay Bridgeの架橋工事を見た。進んでいるが、もう2,3年かかるだろう。

The bridge on the right is the old bridge. It is not seismically safe, so is being replaced.


Monday, October 15, 2007

Fall Colors

Sylvia wanted to see the fall colors, so we went to Grass Valley/Nevada City last weekend.
彼女は紅葉を楽しみたかったので、先週末Nevada CityとGrass Valley(シエラネバダの丘陵地帯)に行った。

Inside the towns, there were trees with good colors. I think these trees were imported from places like the east coast. The native trees do not have nearly as much color as these trees.

In this picture, Sylvia was trying to look like a Japanese person, with her cell phone camera. There was pretty good colors in the background.


Thursday, October 04, 2007

Blue Angels

I was working on a presentation that I am giving next week, when I started hearing the loud noises of jets flying around. This weekend is an air show, which includes the Blue Angels, so I figured it was them practicing. So I went up to the roof to check it out, and confirmed that it is them.

They are basically just flying around. No stunt or formation practice yet - I suspect that will be later today and tomorrow.

Kind of hard to get back to working on my presentation with all the noise.

With all the noise, I gave up on trying to work and went down to the waterfront to watch. They did run through their performance and I captured some pictures.
