new bridge
The weather was beautiful yesterday, so I took the day off of work and went kayaking. I launched from Crissy Field and made a loop around Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island, passing close to Alcatraz on the way back.
昨日いい天気だったので、仕事を休んで、カヤックに乗った。Crissy FieldからTreasure Islandの周りを漕いで、Alcatrazの近くに通った。
I saw the construction for the new section of the Bay Bridge. They are definitely making progress, but I suspect it will be a few more years before they are done.
Bay Bridgeの架橋工事を見た。進んでいるが、もう2,3年かかるだろう。
The bridge on the right is the old bridge. It is not seismically safe, so is being replaced.
Labels: Kayaking