How much stuff fits in a kayak?
We went kayak camping again last weekend. This time, we went to Spicer Reservoir, near Bear Valley.
先週末Bear Valleyという町の近くにSpicer Reservoirでカヤックキャンピングした。
After we arrived at our campground, I decided to lay out everything that I had carried in my boat to see how much stuff it was. As you can see in the picture, the boats can carry a decent amount of stuff. But the shape of the storage are is a bit weird - as it is the ends of the boats. It is more like a cone in shape than a box. So smaller items which you can fill the little gaps with are much easier to carry.
We were able to camp right on the reservoir, which was nice. It was on a bay off the main reservoir, so was protected from wind.
We did see a large bird of prey. I showed the picture to a friend, and they said it is likely an osprey. The reservoir has had its surface level raised at some point in the past few years, and now there are a lot of trees that are partially submerged. These trees died, but many are still standing. This bird had set up a nest in one of these trees in the middle of the reservoir.
猛禽を見た。友達を聞いて、「ミサゴだろう」と言った。鳥之巣 にある木は湖の中心にあった。沢山部分的に浸水している木があった。湖水位は上げただろう。
Labels: Kayaking
I wrote reviews on the reservoirs we paddled on for a web site called If you want to see them, check them out at:
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