Elephant Seal
I had to do a presentation for my Japanese class, and I decided to do it on Elephant Seals at Ano Nuevo State Park
プレゼンテーションさせた。Ano Nuevo州立公園のエレファント・シールの事にする。
昨日Ano Nuevo州立公園へ行きました。エレファント・シールを見るために、そこで2,3マイル・ハイキングしました。多いエレファント・シールいました。
Yesterday, I went to Ano Nuevo State Park. So we could see elephant seals, we went for a short hike. There were many elephant seals there.
Because they are very large, and the males have a nose that is long, they are called Elephant Seals. 牡の体の長さは5メートルです。重さは1800キログラムです。雌のほうが小さいです。雌の長さは10フィート(3メートル)で、重さは1400ポンド(650キログラム)です。
Males (bulls) reaching five meters in length, and average 4000 lbs. The females are about 3 meters (10 feet) long and 650 kg (1400 lbs). 大きいですね。
They are big, aren’t they. でも大きいのに陸上でエレファント・シールは人より速いです。危ないのでパーク・レーンジャーと一緒に行かなければなりません。
Despite their ungainly appearance, they can move faster on land than a human being can run. Because it can be dangerous, we were required to go on the hike with a park ranger.
Beginning in the 18th century, elephant seals were hunted for their blubber oil. About 100 years ago, there were less than 1000 seals left alive. They were only on a remote island off of Mexico.でも今天然記念物なので、人口は10万頭以上です。
But now they are a protected species, and numbers have recovered to over 100,000 毎冬繁殖のためにAno Nuevoに来ます。2,3ヶ月寝たり、繁殖したり、します。牡はけんかもします。勝者は雌と一緒にいて、繁殖できます。
Every winter, some come to Ano Nuevo to breed. For 2 or 3 months, they sleep and breed. The males also fight. The male that wins the fight gets to breed. その牡は一人なので、勝者じゃないでしょう。多分繁殖できません。
Because this guy is alone, he was likely not the winner of his battles. So he will probably not get to breed.乳離れした子どもです。1ヶ月にお母さんの牛乳を飲みます。その後、お母さんは海に行きます。でも 子どもはもう2ヶ月ビーチにいます。そのとき食べません。その後子ども も海に行きます。
This is a weaned baby seal. For 1 month, he was fed milk by his mother. But after that, his mother returns to the sea. But the baby stays on the beach. He doesn’t eat for 2 months. After that, the child also goes to sea. 七つ繁殖させるのに好適な場所があります。普通は島の上です。例えばサンフランシスコの近くにあるFarallon Islandsやサンタ・バーバラの近くにあるChannel Islandsです。本土にはAno NuevoとPoint Reyesで見えます。
There are seven places where elephant seals breed. Usually they are on islands, including the Farallon Islands off of San Francisco and Channel Islands off of Santa Barbara. On the mainland, you can see them at Ano Nuevo State Park and Point Reyes National Seashore. 烏賊や蛸や魚を食べます。でもAno Nuevoにいるとき、ぜんぜん食べません。
The Northern Elephant Seal feeds on squid, octopus, fish, etc. But when they are at Ano Nuevo, they don’t eat anything. 海面下200メートル以上で食べます。水深1500メートルまで潜れます。1時間45分もかかります。
Elephant seals eats when underwater at depths of more than 650 feet. They can dive as deep as 5000 feet.
Labels: Interesting Stuff, Travel