Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Kaitenzushi is the Japanese word for what we call conveyor belt sushi. I ate at a kaitenzushi reasonably often when I was in Japan, and even took a video clip of the sushi going by once (clip is below).

Some folks in Osaka went a step further with their video, and in an interesting way. They placed their camera on the conveyor belt and let it film the various patrons as the camera went by.


Monday, October 16, 2006

Irish Citizen

I just got word that I have been accepted as an Irish Citizen. Americans who have grandparents born in Ireland are allowed to petition for Irish Citizenship, which I did. The process was long - over 5 years - but now I hold dual citizenship between Ireland and the United States.

I don't have a particular need for Irish citizenship, but it does allow me some extra benefits, such as being able to work anywhere in the European Union.

An interesting point - I have not actually ever been to Ireland...


Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Last weekend, I went with the folks from the shop I am involved with (Passion Trail Bikes) to Downieville, north of Auburn in the Sierras. We rode for 3 days, and what a blast it was!
先週末自転車屋(Passion Trail Bikes)の友達とAuburnの北に山にDownievilleと言う町へ行った。三日乗った。楽しかった。

Northern California normally does not get any rain during the summer, so the trails can get very dusty. But there was some rain last week, and this washed the dust away, improving the conditions.

Here are some photos that I took:
