Tuesday, August 16, 2005

.XXX internet domain

There is an interesting article published by the San Francisco Chronicle about how the Bush administration is objecting to the creation of a .XXX domain.

They are afraid that having web sites that end in .XXX will either legitimize pornography or will cause more porn "to flood our homes". This, to me, is very similar to the "Just Say No" program that President Reagan had. Conservatives often believe that if something is hidden, it won't be a problem.

I think this thought process is stupid. If they allowed this domain for pornography, it would actually make it easier for people to filter out the porn. You could just set you spam filters and parental controls such that your computer wouldn't show domains ending in .XXX.

I find it a bit sad that the government would rather try to hide and ignore this aspect of our country, rather than admit it is there and takes steps to mitigate any problems from it.


.XXXを使えば、ブッシュ政権はポルノを増加する傾向が怖い。 レーガン大統領の「いいえと言おう」は同じだ。 保守派は不品行を見れば、不品行をすることをよく信じる。

馬鹿だろうよ。 もしそのインターネット・ドメインを使ったら、スパムフィルターは簡単だ。 .XXXのスパムメールはスパムフィルターする。


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