Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I have only recently started following Blogs. One of the challenges I had was keeping track of what Blogs have new messages on them. One tool I found has made following these easy - it is called bloglines.  Bloglines is a web site that keeps track of what Blogs I want to read, and what messages I have already read on these Blogs. This way, when I go to the bloglines.com web site, it shows me just the new Blog postings. Very convenient.

If you do use bloglines (or a similar program), you would enter http://peter-singlespeed.blogspot.com/atom.xml as the address to track.

最近ブログをしている。 新しいブログのメッセージがあるか? 分かる事は難しい。 Bloglinesと言うコンピューターユーティリティーは便利だ。Bloglinesは読みたいブログをマネージする。Bloglines.comを見て、新しいブログがある。




At 6:08 PM, Blogger California Kayaker Magazine said...

I just found that Bloglines supports Japanese language - see http://www.bloglines.com/?Lang=japanese.

Bloglinesは日本語です。 http://www.bloglines.com/?Lang=japaneseを見て下さい。


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