Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Road Trip Part 1 - Yellowstone

Loaded up the Subaru and went for a 2 week road. The first part of the trip was to Yellowstone National Park. The park is known for its thermal activity (it is on an old volcano) and wildlife.

We did 2 days of paddling, and spent a lot of time visiting the scenic spots. Below are some videos and pictures.

Boiling Hot Spring / 沸騰している温泉:

Getting hailed on while kayaking / 霰とカヤック:

Me soaking in a thermally heated stream (water was bathtub temperature) / 私は温泉の小川に入った:

Buffalo grazing / 放牧のバッファロー:

Black bear foraging for food / アメリカクロクマ:

And of course, lots of thermal activity, including seeing the most famous geyser - Old Faithful / オールドフェイスフル:

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At 4:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you enjoy your stay at Yellow Stone? How did you like the old faithful? Your motion picture is great. I should have taken the one like that.

At 9:43 AM, Blogger California Kayaker Magazine said...

Yellowstone was a lot of fun. Old Faithful was worth seeing once, but the crowds there are pretty bad. I prefer other areas of the park.


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